February 8, 2009

Boats Camels and Carriages

We were probably the most spoiled kids when it came to Egypt. I can't believe all the awesome stuff that we were able to do. I was fine just looking at pyramids and shriveled mummies... but of course we got to do more amazing things than I thought possible.
For one... we got a sweet Hotel. It was called the Sheraton, and it was super nice. And the waiters were overly nice (it almost got a little tiresome) I felt like I was waited on hand and foot and I am deffinitly NOT used to that. Though it was tempting to eat the fruit that they had laying out... but we were warned against their fruit and water... so I resited. I just settled for the other 5 entree choices they had laying around... tough huh?

We took this very boat (you can see our hotel... the orange-ish one in the background) and sailed down the Nile River. I couldn't believe that my hotel was right on the Nile and I was actually sailing on it!!
Priscilla lookin' oh-so-fine on the little sail boat with her friends.

Then the sail-boat dropped us off on the other side of the bank where we got to ride...
Me on my beautiful camel... just strollin' down the Nile banks.Shelby loved my Camel... its because his name was Casanova... it was a pretty sweet-talkin' camel.
My camel (Casanova) and my guide (Muhamed)... he kept trying to hold my hand.

Then we got to take a carriage back to our hotel... it was pretty sweet

My fellow carriage riders... Matt, Miriam and Cate. We were the best group ever. (Though our driver thought that our bills were too wrinkled and tried to convince Matt to give him crisp ones... which is what is going on below)
The driver angry at wrinkled bills... I think they had one fold in them from being folded in half and in our pockets.

So I really can't complain about that day... it was pretty sweet. Well actually it was more than sweet. It was WONDERFUL!! But seriously... which day hasn't been wonderful here?! Its hard to think of one. (Well after we got all those orientation days over with)

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