The Slayings of Goliath... it was magical. and ridiculously hard. Seriously. If you have ever tried to slay 5 boxes stacked on top of each other... you know how hard it is to use that little sling and 5 smooth rocks (its hard enough finding 5 smooth rocks when 40 other students are scrounging for them...) I can't even imagine slaying an actual HUMAN with them... props to David... that's all I have to say.
Kara, Hedi, and Marianne... being preparing to slay the bad boy Goliath... Cate and I... we are pretty much awesome.
Slaying around Goliath is a lot harder than it sounds... just look at Matt.
Slaying around Goliath is a lot harder than it sounds... just look at Matt.
Though when you really think about it... Goliath isn't really that bad looking...