November 29, 2008

Saturday November 29, 2008

Hopefully this lady doesn't see this. But I really liked the light that fell on her from the airplane window light on the way to SLC.

Friday November 28, 2008

This is an attempt at our annual family picture... but no one would cooperate- so none of them turned out with all of us. Plus I forgot my tripod.

Thursday November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving is always a big ordeal in my family. Luckily my mom likes to to have everything perfect and therefore does everything herself. I just enjoy the spoils.

November 26, 2008

Wednesday November 26, 2008

What's a vacation without a Mall? And whats a vacation without a food court. Mmm.

November 25, 2008

Tuesday November 25, 2008

My little brother Scotty Boy waiting to surf the waves... Just waiting for Mom to go watch him.

Sunday November 23, 2008

I'm not a stickler about not "Sunday Travel." I mean you gotta eat on Sunday if you are traveling.

Saturday November 22, 2008

Finally on the Road for Thanksgiving Break. Luckily the gas prices don't scare me.

Friday November 21, 2008

The truth of the Weekend: My roommate getting ready for a date while I do homework and take pictures.

Thursday November 20, 2008

Trying to watch the Office and do my homework at the same time resulted in not doing very well of either. I just got frustrated.

November 19, 2008

Wednesday November 19, 2008

This is the machine that takes my change repeatedly. I am still not sure how I end up with so much laundry at the end of the week.

Tuesday November 18, 2008

My sister found a kitty wandering around the other day. I don't even like cats and I think its adorable. Its name is Chow Mein.

November 17, 2008

Monday November 17, 2008

It has been so beautiful these past days, I could hardly pass up a time to study outside. I was surprised there weren't many people out on the grass.

Sunday November 16, 2008

Sunday is the day that everyone takes their blessed naps. Luckily my room mate didn't know I was watching her.

November 14, 2008

Today is my roommates Birthday and I put a fake parking ticket on her car.

November 12, 2008

November 12, 2008

Everyday (unless I just decide not to leave my apartment) I walk up and down these stairs. Sometimes I wonder what I would do if I opened my door and they were gone.

November 11, 2008

November 11, 2008

Night after night I spend my time on my computer; writing essays, surfing the web, and perfecting my photos. During the weekdays... my Mac is my best friend.